Monday, March 31, 2014

pure happiness

 Sorry for the lack of posts lately. But I'm sure you'll come to forgive me when I explain the reason for my short disappearance. So apart from me being busy with normal college things, There have been some exciting happenings around campus. We had the privilege to have the one and only Kenny Loggins come and preform for us on the 27th. The band that opened for him was pretty awesome too. They are called The Beatles Return and they are practically the Beatles themselves. Every detail from the outfits to the hair to the exact replica instruments. They even had the voices down to a T. It was like I was back in the 1960's at a Beatles concert. They were amazing.

Kenny Loggins was pure awesome. He played some of his earlier stuff that I had grown up on like "Pooh Corner" and some others. And of course he played "Footloose" and "Danger Zone".

What made the concert even better was I made a new friend. I went to the concert alone, and asked if I could sit next to a couple of guys. They said it was fine, so I sat down and kind of started conversation with the young man next to me. Turns out, he was moving to Cedar the next day, and didn't have any friends yet. So, I felt pretty special. He asked for my number and everything.  Then on Saturday he texted me and asked if I would like to hang out and show him around town a bit. So, I obviously did. We ended up going to Sub Zero, because he had never been, and then decided to randomly see what was playing at the cheap theater. It just so happened that RoboCop was playing about 15 minutes later, so we saw that. It was pretty good. There were parts that I was sure I was watching scenes from Call of Duty or something.

So my weekend was very eventful and amazing and just full of happiness and awesome and new friends and so much happy.

"Add life to your days, not days to your life"

Copyright Jessikalloyd Photography

Saturday, March 22, 2014

hello there

Spontaneous weekend post!!
Basically, my school is THE best! They had a mini Holi festival to raise money for children in India to be able to attend school. It was FANTASTIC! Smaller than the Spanish Fork Holi festival, but still really fun, and for an amazing cause. Just thought I'd let everyone know how awesome Southern Utah University is :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

sorry for the delay

Hey again :) Sorry for the blogging delay. It's been a busy last week or so. Spring break was last week, and I just didn't feel like blogging because I was having some much needed family time :) I did however take some awesome pics for my sister :) She needed seniors done, so since I was home, my mom asked if I would try to get a few. They turned out great :) I'll even share a few of my faves :)

photos copyright 2014 jessikalloyd photography

I didn't even have to tell her to do anything, she's just that photogenic. And yes, she is basically a babe, but she's off limits unless I approve first ;) 
Oh, If you would like to see some more of my stuff, feel free to visit my site It's got some pretty great stuff, if I do say so myself :)

For the next couple of weeks, I will be working on my portfolio for my Foundation Review for school. Basically this is what tells me if I make it into the BFA program here or not. It's kind of a big deal. 

I'm also working on final projects seeing as there are about 6 weeks left in the semester, so if I don't post something one week I'm sorry in advance. It's going to get really stressful around here shortly. 

Do you ever have those days when you are almost positive that it is in fact another day when it isn't? It happened today. I thought it was Friday, and since I don't have class Friday, when my alarm to wake up for my 9AM class went off, I turned it off and went back to bed.  Totally slept through class. Oopsie. Luckily there wasn't any tests or quizzes today and I can get the lesson from the textbook  :)

Guess what???!!!! So apparently my school is having a free Kenny Loggins/ Chris Wallace concert next week! I'm so stoked!!! And it is possibly a date for me :) I'll know by Sunday for sure. I really hope it all works out though. I need things to start working out. 

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend :) I think I actually might :)

"Don't compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters. Yours is written by God."

Copyright Jessikalloyd Photography

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

so close i can taste it

Hello again :) Today is going to be short. Mostly because I don't have much to say.
Kimmi is getting baptized on Saturday!! I'm sooooo excited for her I can't even start to say how excited :) Also, spring break is next week :) It could not of come sooner. I need a break from college life for a bit.

I also started watching Teen Wolf and have successfully finished two seasons in two and a half days. And I'm almost done with the first half of the third season. It's kinda addicting...... :) Although, it's not a show I would recommend for everyone. But it's super good :)

"Nothing worth having comes easy" - Unknown

photo copyright jessikalloyd photography