Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ummmm... aloha?

This is my doggy Chase. He died back in June. We had him since I was 3, so he was like 14 and it was his time.

So I know i haven't blogged since last Friday, so here's the updates. On Saturday, I worked the night shift. It was pretty fun :) I got to sleep in till like 11... that hasn't happened in quite a while :p Sunday was like any other Sunday, I went to church and came home and took like a 5 hour nap. I really need to catch up on my sleep. Monday... oh Monday :) So I worked Monday night, and for those who don't know, Monday night is our 25 cent ice cream cone night. And it's family night. So you can imagine it gets pretty busy.... and it did, I think i made more ice cream cones that one night than i have the entire time that I've worked there. And... I made a new friend :) So,  here's the story..... This really really really cute boy came in and ordered food and all that good stuff, and one of the girls at work was like " you should put your number in the bottom of his bag" and so me and another girl did just that. :) and now we are new friends. I found out he's 19 and a freshman at UVU.... and he's basically one of the cutest guys i've ever seen :) and... he thinks that i'm cute :) :) :) Tuesday was a normal day. Nothing really awesome happened to me that i can think of. And today was college day for the seniors at my school. After all is said and done, i've decided on 3 colleges to apply for and see which one can give me the best scholarships: SUU, U of U, and WSU. So, we'll see what happens. :) and that's all for today......... :)

Friday, October 7, 2011


Today's picture has absolutely NOTHING to do with the post... but it's cute, so it works. Remember the kitten in the first picture? This is the same one all grown up :)

Today was awesome. I didn't have to work, i had a good day at school, and .... I WON TICKETS TO CASTLE OF CHAOS ON THE RADIO!! how cool is that??!!?!? I never win anything, but i guess all the fast paced finger skill texting gives me helped this time :p its kinda ironic though, cuz I absolutely HATE haunted stuff because I get scared so easily. so yeah, today has been good. And to make things better, i get to sleep in tomorrow, which hasn't happened in a long time, because i usually work Saturday mornings. But i work night this week :) anyways, yeah, that's my good happy news for today :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

happy mad hatter day!!

This lovely picture was taken by yours truly of a flowering bush plant thingy in my front  yard. I quite like how it turned out :)

Well it's Thursday!!! The week is almost over :) HOORAY! Today is also National Mad Hatter Day... I don't really know what that means, or why it's a holiday, but it is. And I would also like to say Happy Birthday to all my friends whose birthday is/was this week, or at least relatively close:
Jill, Alexa, Shantelle, and Evan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADIES and EVAN!!

OH MY GOSH!!! It can NOT snow yet!! It's still OCTOBER for heaven's sake! I never gave it permission to snow today, I don't know why it did. I'm just not ready for the snow to come yet, we still have to have Halloween and Thanksgiving before it can snow. But oh well, what can I do about it? NOTHING, just complain about how it's way too early for this weather, and pull out my hoodie (which I wore to school today, cuz I woke up FREEZING!) . However, I do like the rain, but I prefer the warm summer rain to the cold winter one. But whatever. :P
And since it's Thursday, that means I had an ACT prep class on the math portion again today (and got out like 30 minutes early), I don't work today, and don't need to work till Saturday night. This week has been pretty good so far. Hopefully Friday and Saturday will be good as well. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

lightning, lightning, lightning

It just so happens that today's picture matches the weather. I took this picture from my grandparents front porch in Mesa Arizona. It took FOREVER to get this picture. I think I was out there for at least an hour or two. But the end result was worth it :)

Well today wasn't all that eventful. I went to school, then to work then got home at 9:30. And right now, as I am writing this post, I am exercising on the stationary bicycle and listening to the rain. I really really love the rain :) it's just so peaceful. And for some odd reason, I always get really happy and hyper when it rains..... Kinda weird. Anywhoo, that's basically it for today. Nothing really exciting.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

it's only tuesday??

Well today was so very busy. I had an ACT prep class after school till 4:00 and then got a text from a girl at work that needed me to take her shift. So I ended up working till 9:30. And it ended up being quite interesting. This girl and her friend came in and with a serious face and tone asked us if we took Canadian money.......ummmmmmm ok? Tell me what American establishment takes Canadian currency. Wow. Needless to say, work was pretty interesting today..... Can it be Friday already?? I decided that i have a fascination with unicorns and zebras.... One day i want to crossbreed the two and make a zebracorn, or a unizebra. Either way, i think it would be AWESOME!!! Think about it, a unicorn with zebra stripes. Sounds pretty legit to me. Or maybe i'm just too tired to really comprehend what i'm even saying. Oh well... Ugh this week is turning out to be SUPER busy :p well that's about all I have to say about today. Peace

Monday, October 3, 2011

it's finally october... and a confrence weekend overview

Today's random picture of the day is this adorable kitten that i found at my grandparent's house in Idaho. She was just so cute and photogenic that i had to take a few shots. :) and well, here she is.

And seeing that September is now over, i thought i would go over all the good things that happened in my life last month. I got a job at Parker's Drive In the day after Labor Day. :) I am now a working girl.

Unfortunately, i had to work over both sessions of Conference on Saturday... BUMMER!! But lucky for me, Parker's isn't open on Sunday, so i could watch both Conference sessions, AND i took notes. :)

time to blog?

so i decided that it was time for me to start up a blog,  mostly because it seems like the whole world is blogging, and because, lets face it, Facebook can be a real pain sometimes. so here it is, my blog. i decided that i will pick a random picture from my photography files every time i post a blog.  i suppose that i will be doing a lot of blogging from now on. :)