Saturday, July 16, 2016

pinterest. the land of a million good ideas

 Oh Pinterest. The best one stop shop for most anything. Food, crafts, quick fixes, life hacks, wedding planning. It's all there. Heck,I have my entire wedding planned thanks to Pinterest (and I'm not even dating anyone).  But I digress. This post isn't about my non-existent wedding. It's about these SUPER cute DIY polaroid coasters. And, they're super easy to make!

Here's the details:

Supplies needed:
4x4 white ceramic tiles ($0.79 at Lowe's)
3.5 x 5 photos
Mod Podge (glossy or matte... or the one made for paper if you want archival)
Sponge brush (for mod podge)
Clear acrylic spray
Small felt circles (like the ones that go under furniture legs)

Here's the link to the blog I found it on:

I followed her directions but made a few tweaks. 
I didn't use white tiles, but that's only because I already had some off-white/tan ones. Instead, after I glued on the photo and sprayed the first layer of enamel, I taped off the photo and painted the border with white acrylic paint and sprayed another layer of enamel.
(I'm definitely getting white tiles next time. So much easier!)
Instead of buying 3.5x5 photos, I used 4x6 ones and cut them to the right size. (If you take a standard post-it note and overlap another one over it, it's the perfect size. Just stick it on the tile and decide what size you want the photo).
I didn't have acrylic spray so I used some clear enamel I found in the garage. Worked great :)
You don't have to use actual photos if you don't want to. Photos printed on regular printer paper work too, but be careful as the photos start to smear when applying Mod Podge. 
I recommend using an actual paper cutter to trim the photos instead of scissors, got to make sure the edges are straight. 

before the white paint

before the white paint 

after the white paint

Now go out there and have fun! The possibilities with these are endless!

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