Sunday, February 3, 2013

one month down, 11 to go... and the superbowl

Well, nothing extremely interesting has happened since I last posted, but I figured I would post something just so I am caught up. Ummm, let us start with the fact that some more of my good friends made the amazingly awesome decision to serve the Lord for two years. My dear friends Jared and Nick had their farewells on the 20th, but I was unable to attend because transportation is kind of hard to find down here. There were apparently at least 2 more farewells that day too. It is so good to see so many young men and women who are so willing to go out and serve for two years :) It is especially good when it's people that you know and have grown up with that you know will be able to bring the Gospel into the lives of so many people. 
Another thing that happened since I last posted was that I somehow contracted the dreaded pink-eye. I guess it was going around and I was just the unlucky one who happened to get it. I actually had it since the day that we came back to SUU. It's a long story, but I suppose I can just let the world know that sometimes I don't think before I do things :P It started the night we got back when I guess I forgot to take out my contacts, and I woke up the next morning to find that my eyes had the oh so lovely symptoms of pink eye. I let it be thinking that it would get better on it's own, and it was, until I would occasionally put my contacts back in not realizing the bacteria would still be on them. Then it got to the point where it was basically completely gone, and what did I do? I put the same contacts back in. Yeah, sometimes I just don't think. So I ended up having my lovely friend Stephen take me over to the insta-care and the doc called in a prescription for eye drops, and now it is all gone, and I threw away the infected contacts and the case and started fresh :P Let's just say that I learned that if I ever get an infection in my eye again, I should probably throw out the contacts unless I never want it to get better. 
The last thing that happened during the month of January was that I was able to go home for the weekend of the 26th and attend Keegan's farewell talk. It was really good. And yet another friend heads out to preach the word of God. 
And I know that February just started, but I figured I might as well post about the goings on so far. I got to Skype my lovely friend Austin that I haven't seen since Christmas break. It was quite lovely to chat with him "face to face". And as you may or may not know, today was the 47th Superbowl. The Boston Ravens and the San Fransisco 49ers. I was rooting for the Niners, but alas, the Ravens won. I honestly think it was because the refs didn't call stuff that should of been called on the Ravens. Holy smokes those guys did not like to play nice. But life goes on, and now I'm just sitting here with my cup of tea blogging so that the whole world can know my life as a SUU Thunderbird :)

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