Well, it's time to start spring semester. Oooh boy :) So far it has been tons of fun :) Kicked off the new semester on Sunday by going out to dinner at Applebees for the first time with my peeps MJ and Kevin. That was tons of fun, and super yummy :) Monday, the new semester started. Yay..... :p It's actually not that bad for me. I don't have very hard classes, well they aren't that hard so far :p I've got two actual art classes, an art theory class, math, institute, and a art lecture and a computer class that I would never take if it wasn't required for graduation :p The only bad thing so far is that on Monday and Wednesday I don't get time to eat lunch until about 3 in the afternoon. But besides that, the semester seems to be going good :)
I went to the first boys basketball game of the year against Weber State on Thursdsay. I totally skipped my art lecture class to go, but it wasn't much of a hard decision for me :P And even though we lost the game, ( because the refs are stupid ) I did get a free "Rivalry Red" t-shirt that was made just for that game. Come to think of it, that was the first non high school basketball game I had ever attended :P

And as part of the welcome week, they also had a "what suits you" dance on Saturday. I guess the DJ that was there is some super well known guy, DJ Marcus Wing. I've never heard any of his stuff until then, but it was pretty good stuff. I went all out 80's, but that shouldn't surprise anyone :p Annekke went in "hairspray" 60's and Corlissa was a 60's rocker chick. It was fun, but after about an hour, none of us could hear, so we came back home.
I saw the most scarring movie of my life on Sunday. A bunch of friends were going because MJ works at the theater and she got us free tickets, so I said 'what the hay' and went. The movie of choice? The Haunted House. Little did I know until about half way through the movie that it was rated R, and for reasons that it should be. MJ and I were just looking at the floor during about a third of the movie because what was on screen wasn't what we expected at all. My reccomendation? NEVER ever go see it. Although it does have it's funny parts, it isn't worth it. Never again......

I am going to try and make blogging a weekly/biweekly thing instead of once every 4 months like it has been, so my posts aren't novels :P
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