Thursday, June 23, 2016

magical miracle pinterest hack

Have you ever had something white that somehow ended up, well, not white? I did that with my bathroom rug. I washed it in a batch of things with another bathroom rug (pink). When it came out it was PINK. Although only slightly, it wasn't white like it was supposed to be. Upon looking at the care instructions, I noticed that I couldn't use bleach. How do you bleach something without bleach?!?

The answer was found on Pinterest (this site is the best thing in the world!). 
After searching "bleach without bleach", I found the miracle recipe. 
Here's the link to the pin, so you can save it and see for yourself how well it works. 
While the pin says it's for sheets, it obviously works on other things.
Alright, here's the magic mixture:
  • large basin full of hot water (big enough to hold your sheet), 
  • ¼ c baking soda
  • 1c distilled white vinegar 
  • 2T dish soap (I don't think it matters what you use. I used blue dawn soap)
  • juice of a lemon 
Fill basin wth hot water. Add baking soda, vinegar, soap & juice of a lemon and mix using tongs or long utensil. Fully submerge your item and soak for 30 minutes. Wring out and wash as normal.

And just like that, your item is white again! 

I may just try this out on all my dingy 'white' shirts that desperately need help.

Enjoy your day!

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