Monday, February 3, 2014

just another manic monday

Hello there!
It's Monday. Which would normally be just an okay day for me, except there was something waiting for me in my P.O. box when I came back from a long day of ever so lovely college classes. Any guesses?? I'll give you a hint. Actually, I'll just tell you because I was (and still am) super excited about it. It was a letter from my best friend who is serving an LDS mission in Oregon. I always get excited when I get letters, but today was different. I've been stressing a lot over a few things, and today wasn't the best of days. So when I opened my P.O. box not expecting to find anything, and found a letter, that frown turned upside down. It is amazing to know that God knows exactly when we need a little pick-me-up, and mine was in the form of a letter from my best friend. And then I read the letter and all of the stress I was feeling seemed to disappear for a moment. I love that I can always rely on those letters to lift me up and make my day, and week, better than they were without them. I am ever so grateful that I have such amazing friends who know exactly what I need to hear and when I need to hear it.

That's all I really have for today.

photo copyright jessikalloyd photography

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