Monday, December 29, 2014
Monday, March 31, 2014
pure happiness

Kenny Loggins was pure awesome. He played some of his earlier stuff that I had grown up on like "Pooh Corner" and some others. And of course he played "Footloose" and "Danger Zone".
What made the concert even better was I made a new friend. I went to the concert alone, and asked if I could sit next to a couple of guys. They said it was fine, so I sat down and kind of started conversation with the young man next to me. Turns out, he was moving to Cedar the next day, and didn't have any friends yet. So, I felt pretty special. He asked for my number and everything. Then on Saturday he texted me and asked if I would like to hang out and show him around town a bit. So, I obviously did. We ended up going to Sub Zero, because he had never been, and then decided to randomly see what was playing at the cheap theater. It just so happened that RoboCop was playing about 15 minutes later, so we saw that. It was pretty good. There were parts that I was sure I was watching scenes from Call of Duty or something.
So my weekend was very eventful and amazing and just full of happiness and awesome and new friends and so much happy.
"Add life to your days, not days to your life"
Copyright Jessikalloyd Photography
Saturday, March 22, 2014
hello there
Spontaneous weekend post!!
Basically, my school is THE best! They had a mini Holi festival to raise money for children in India to be able to attend school. It was FANTASTIC! Smaller than the Spanish Fork Holi festival, but still really fun, and for an amazing cause. Just thought I'd let everyone know how awesome Southern Utah University is :)
Basically, my school is THE best! They had a mini Holi festival to raise money for children in India to be able to attend school. It was FANTASTIC! Smaller than the Spanish Fork Holi festival, but still really fun, and for an amazing cause. Just thought I'd let everyone know how awesome Southern Utah University is :)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
sorry for the delay
Hey again :) Sorry for the blogging delay. It's been a busy last week or so. Spring break was last week, and I just didn't feel like blogging because I was having some much needed family time :) I did however take some awesome pics for my sister :) She needed seniors done, so since I was home, my mom asked if I would try to get a few. They turned out great :) I'll even share a few of my faves :)
I didn't even have to tell her to do anything, she's just that photogenic. And yes, she is basically a babe, but she's off limits unless I approve first ;)
Oh, If you would like to see some more of my stuff, feel free to visit my site It's got some pretty great stuff, if I do say so myself :)
For the next couple of weeks, I will be working on my portfolio for my Foundation Review for school. Basically this is what tells me if I make it into the BFA program here or not. It's kind of a big deal.
I'm also working on final projects seeing as there are about 6 weeks left in the semester, so if I don't post something one week I'm sorry in advance. It's going to get really stressful around here shortly.
Do you ever have those days when you are almost positive that it is in fact another day when it isn't? It happened today. I thought it was Friday, and since I don't have class Friday, when my alarm to wake up for my 9AM class went off, I turned it off and went back to bed. Totally slept through class. Oopsie. Luckily there wasn't any tests or quizzes today and I can get the lesson from the textbook :)
Guess what???!!!! So apparently my school is having a free Kenny Loggins/ Chris Wallace concert next week! I'm so stoked!!! And it is possibly a date for me :) I'll know by Sunday for sure. I really hope it all works out though. I need things to start working out.
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend :) I think I actually might :)
photos copyright 2014 jessikalloyd photography
Oh, If you would like to see some more of my stuff, feel free to visit my site It's got some pretty great stuff, if I do say so myself :)
For the next couple of weeks, I will be working on my portfolio for my Foundation Review for school. Basically this is what tells me if I make it into the BFA program here or not. It's kind of a big deal.
I'm also working on final projects seeing as there are about 6 weeks left in the semester, so if I don't post something one week I'm sorry in advance. It's going to get really stressful around here shortly.
Do you ever have those days when you are almost positive that it is in fact another day when it isn't? It happened today. I thought it was Friday, and since I don't have class Friday, when my alarm to wake up for my 9AM class went off, I turned it off and went back to bed. Totally slept through class. Oopsie. Luckily there wasn't any tests or quizzes today and I can get the lesson from the textbook :)
Guess what???!!!! So apparently my school is having a free Kenny Loggins/ Chris Wallace concert next week! I'm so stoked!!! And it is possibly a date for me :) I'll know by Sunday for sure. I really hope it all works out though. I need things to start working out.
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend :) I think I actually might :)
"Don't compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters. Yours is written by God."
Copyright Jessikalloyd Photography
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
so close i can taste it
Hello again :) Today is going to be short. Mostly because I don't have much to say.
Kimmi is getting baptized on Saturday!! I'm sooooo excited for her I can't even start to say how excited :) Also, spring break is next week :) It could not of come sooner. I need a break from college life for a bit.
I also started watching Teen Wolf and have successfully finished two seasons in two and a half days. And I'm almost done with the first half of the third season. It's kinda addicting...... :) Although, it's not a show I would recommend for everyone. But it's super good :)
Kimmi is getting baptized on Saturday!! I'm sooooo excited for her I can't even start to say how excited :) Also, spring break is next week :) It could not of come sooner. I need a break from college life for a bit.
I also started watching Teen Wolf and have successfully finished two seasons in two and a half days. And I'm almost done with the first half of the third season. It's kinda addicting...... :) Although, it's not a show I would recommend for everyone. But it's super good :)
"Nothing worth having comes easy" - Unknown
photo copyright jessikalloyd photography
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
hello lovely people
First off I'd just like to say never go grocery shopping hungry. You'll end up spending $20 more than you expected on random junk food. Just a thought :)
Also, rootbeer barrel candies are delicious! And one more sidenote, did you know they made Mario shaped spaghettios??? Well, they do.
All random tangents aside, I don't think I really have all that much to say today. Except that I am beyond excited for my friend and her upcoming baptism and how happy she is now she's found the Gospel. The Elders that have been teaching her are hilarious. Elder Bell and Elder Lolo ( that's not his real last name, but no one can say it correctly, so that's what everyone calls him). Funniest missionaries I have ever met! Don't get me wrong, they teach great lessons, but they make it fun. They gave talks in church a few weeks ago, and had everyone laughing. It was probably the best sacrament meeting I've ever been to.
Yeah, I think that's really all I've got for today.
Stay awesome!! :)
" You are confined ONLY by the walls you build yourself" - Unknown
photo copyright jessikalloyd photography
Monday, February 24, 2014
it IS true!
I know it's not Wednesday, but I just had to post. I've got so much on my mind and in my heart that I had to share with all of you lovely people.
First, the Gospel is real and true ladies and gentlemen. I now have no doubt in my mind that the Lord really does look out for us and answers our prayers and questions. The reason I am writing this is because a non-member friend of mine is currently investigating and is on the road to baptism and it is SO COOL to see how her life is falling in place because she has opened herself up to the Gospel and let the light of Christ into her life. Not only is this helping her know it's true, but me as well. I was having some doubts about if I knew that the Gospel was absolutely true, but now I know for sure. It is true, and it is amazing.
Second, I just wanted to say that art is a great stress relief. That's all :) Sometimes I just need to calm down, so I'll pick up my pencil and drawing pad and start drawing. Today it was hair. I like drawing hair.
First, the Gospel is real and true ladies and gentlemen. I now have no doubt in my mind that the Lord really does look out for us and answers our prayers and questions. The reason I am writing this is because a non-member friend of mine is currently investigating and is on the road to baptism and it is SO COOL to see how her life is falling in place because she has opened herself up to the Gospel and let the light of Christ into her life. Not only is this helping her know it's true, but me as well. I was having some doubts about if I knew that the Gospel was absolutely true, but now I know for sure. It is true, and it is amazing.
Second, I just wanted to say that art is a great stress relief. That's all :) Sometimes I just need to calm down, so I'll pick up my pencil and drawing pad and start drawing. Today it was hair. I like drawing hair.
Anyways. The Gospel is true and amazing. Have a great day!!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
i'm still here
Sorry for not blogging last week I was busy getting ready to go home for the 3 day weekend.
I have come to the decision that Wednesday will be my blog days, because it is my least busy day. So, keep a look out for new posts every Wednesday :)
So, recap of the past two weeks. Valentine's Day was on Friday. Nothing exciting there, except that I was driving the 3 hours up north to where I call home :) Nothing really that interesting happened last week. I think I need to go looking for interesting things so that I have more things to blog about. I feel like my blog is kind of bleh. It needs more.
There was ONE awesome thing that happened last week. A friend of mine started having the Missionaries come and teach her. I can't even start to express how excited I am for her taking this step in her life. They were over twice last week (I missed one of the meetings), and again tonight. I really enjoy the lessons as well. I've been having some doubts, but between the missionary lessons and the missionary letters from my best friend, it's all coming together and I am starting to figure things out. And in doing so, I have noticed that I feel better about everything. I am happier and less stressed about school and life and all around just awesome :)
I am no longer a teenager. As of the 16th, I have officially started my twenties..... Yup. I am now 20, the big Two-Oh, two decades. But really, the only difference between the evening of the 15th and the morning of the 16th is that all my social media profiles now say 20 instead of 19. That, and according to the current wedding trends, I am due to get married..... Or not. I think that 22-23 is a good age to get married. Maybe i'm just a little old fashioned, but I think that you should be able to support yourself and have a general direction of where your life is headed before you start thinking about getting married. Oh, wow, I've gone off on a tangent. Oops.
Anyways, long story short, there needs to be more exciting and interesting (free) things going on around here. Where's all the fun?
Random question/thought. I was thinking (very dangerous) and I was wondering where all of my readers are from. How far does my little blog reach? Just a thought.
I have come to the decision that Wednesday will be my blog days, because it is my least busy day. So, keep a look out for new posts every Wednesday :)
So, recap of the past two weeks. Valentine's Day was on Friday. Nothing exciting there, except that I was driving the 3 hours up north to where I call home :) Nothing really that interesting happened last week. I think I need to go looking for interesting things so that I have more things to blog about. I feel like my blog is kind of bleh. It needs more.
There was ONE awesome thing that happened last week. A friend of mine started having the Missionaries come and teach her. I can't even start to express how excited I am for her taking this step in her life. They were over twice last week (I missed one of the meetings), and again tonight. I really enjoy the lessons as well. I've been having some doubts, but between the missionary lessons and the missionary letters from my best friend, it's all coming together and I am starting to figure things out. And in doing so, I have noticed that I feel better about everything. I am happier and less stressed about school and life and all around just awesome :)
I am no longer a teenager. As of the 16th, I have officially started my twenties..... Yup. I am now 20, the big Two-Oh, two decades. But really, the only difference between the evening of the 15th and the morning of the 16th is that all my social media profiles now say 20 instead of 19. That, and according to the current wedding trends, I am due to get married..... Or not. I think that 22-23 is a good age to get married. Maybe i'm just a little old fashioned, but I think that you should be able to support yourself and have a general direction of where your life is headed before you start thinking about getting married. Oh, wow, I've gone off on a tangent. Oops.
Anyways, long story short, there needs to be more exciting and interesting (free) things going on around here. Where's all the fun?
Random question/thought. I was thinking (very dangerous) and I was wondering where all of my readers are from. How far does my little blog reach? Just a thought.
"You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to live it" - Unknown
photo copyright jessikalloyd photography
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
wednesday, wednesday, wednesday!
I bet you read the title in an announcer's voice. It's okay to admit it. This is a no judgement zone.
Is anyone else sick of snow yet? I think it's dandy until around mid January. After that, it's just a bother. Not to mention it's way to cold. Isn't it close to summer yet? Well, in the states. I'm sure the weather is great over in Australia right about now. Anyone up for a little winter vacation?
Is anyone else sick of snow yet? I think it's dandy until around mid January. After that, it's just a bother. Not to mention it's way to cold. Isn't it close to summer yet? Well, in the states. I'm sure the weather is great over in Australia right about now. Anyone up for a little winter vacation?
"Life is like a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving." -Albert Einstein
photo copyright jessikalloyd photography
Monday, February 3, 2014
just another manic monday
Hello there!
It's Monday. Which would normally be just an okay day for me, except there was something waiting for me in my P.O. box when I came back from a long day of ever so lovely college classes. Any guesses?? I'll give you a hint. Actually, I'll just tell you because I was (and still am) super excited about it. It was a letter from my best friend who is serving an LDS mission in Oregon. I always get excited when I get letters, but today was different. I've been stressing a lot over a few things, and today wasn't the best of days. So when I opened my P.O. box not expecting to find anything, and found a letter, that frown turned upside down. It is amazing to know that God knows exactly when we need a little pick-me-up, and mine was in the form of a letter from my best friend. And then I read the letter and all of the stress I was feeling seemed to disappear for a moment. I love that I can always rely on those letters to lift me up and make my day, and week, better than they were without them. I am ever so grateful that I have such amazing friends who know exactly what I need to hear and when I need to hear it.
That's all I really have for today.

That's all I really have for today.
photo copyright jessikalloyd photography
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
i'm back
I really need to be better at keeping this updated :p Sometimes it's just hard to remember, but I am going to try my best to be better. The thought occurred to me while I was watching Julie and Julia about a week ago, does anyone actually read my blog? Or am I just posting things to the internet just because? I hope people read this. I know it's been kind of a journal for me, but I am going to start changing things up. I am going to try my very best to post something everyday. Maybe something interesting I learned, or something funny I heard/saw. I'm still going to talk a little about my life and my adventures as a poor college kid and other important or interesting things that happen, but this is no longer going to be an online journal, I have a very nice one that is longing to be written in. Since the name of my blog is A Photo A Day, I will post a photo of the day everyday (or everyday I make a post) until I run out of photos. (If that point ever occurs, I will take some more.) Every Wednesday will be the day I post a quote. It may be inspirational, it may be funny, but it will be posted. I may or may not assign other things to the other days of the week, stay tuned. But, there are going to be some changes around here :)

We have been doing a pinhole photography project in my intermediate photography class. It blows my mind how you can make a working camera out of almost anything. I made mine out of a venti sized Starbucks cup. I've gotten some fantastic photos so far. I had to duck tape the crap out of the outside and spray paint the inside with black paint (around 4 layers), but it works really well. I am very proud of my little coffee cup camera :)

So, interesting thing saw on the internet somewhere. I saw that you could make a grilled cheese sandwich in a toaster set on it's side. Of course I had to try it. And it just so happened that when I came back to school after Christmas break, my dad bought me a toaster. Perfect :) My roommate and I decided to give it a try. It worked rather well in my opinion. Mine got a little burnt, but no biggie. I think I might try making an open faced sandwich next time and use Velveeta instead :) I think the reason mine burned was that my bread was thicker and shoving 2 slices in a slot made for one was a bit much for my little toaster.
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