So I know that I said I would try to be a better blogger, and so far, I seem to have been failing. Life's crazy and sometimes there just isn't enough time.
I figure I can at least stay up on what I'm up to this summer.
First things first, I sent my best friend away on his mission to Oregon. I'm gonna miss that kid like crazy, but I know he's doing great things :)
I am working for the summer as a graphic designer for a company called Viral Events. We put on the Run or Dye color 5k events across the country. I LOVE working here. Not only am I working in the field that I am studying, I also get to travel to various states to help work at the events. I've only been to 2 events so far, but am booked for 4 more next month. The first event I went to was Reno, NV. That was super fun. The car ride there was probably the most enjoyable car ride I've ever had. We stopped at the West Salt Flats on the way, and I snapped a few pics. I had never been to the Salt Flats before, so it was a cool new place for me.

After the race on Saturday, my family snatched me up and we went on a week long vacation in Trinidad, CA and the Redwood forest ( after we stayed a couple days at Lake Tahoe ). The hotel we stayed at in Tahoe was right on the lakefront, so we spent some time on the beach :) It was slightly colder than I would have expected, but not nearly as cold as Trinidad. Northern Cali is a LOT colder than I would have liked. In my mind, when I think of Cali, I think of Southern Cali with warm sand and sun and just all around warmth. I imagine that the Northern California coast looks a lot like the Oregon coast. Very green and foggy. But it was very very pretty.

We also had the chance to explore Eureka, CA. So many Victorian style homes! All so pretty.

And I found an old phone box and just had to take a picture in front of it. So many things to love about phone boxes. Too bad it wasn't blue..... :)

I had the amazing opportunity to work the San Fransisco race over the 4th of July weekend. I'd never been to San Fran, so it was super exciting to be there and see everything. Since Thursday was the 4th of July, we only did packet pickup till 1, so we had time to go out and see the city we went and saw the Golden Gate bridge, walked around the Piers and watched fireworks by the bay.

Our event was at Candlestick Park, where the San Fran 49ers play. And the drive there was past one of the bays. The early mornings were so worth it just for the view :)
I was put on store duty the second day of packet pickup, and my work attire was.... well.... a little strange. But it was the best! How many people get to play dress up and get paid for it? :)
That's not the last of my events though. I'm going to Atlanta, GA on 8/3, Cleveland, OH on 8/10, Abilene, TX on 8/17 and Chattanooga, TN on 8/24. August is going to be a super busy month. Oh, and I move back down to Cedar for school 8/25, and school starts the 26th. So I'll be on my feet a LOT, but it will be worth it :)

Yesterday, I went to my long time friend's farewell. Kels and I have been friends for 16 years now. She's going to be leaving to Texas here in a few days. I am so glad we've been friends since we were 3. She's been such an amazing example in my life and she will be AMAZING in the mission field.
Well, I will try my hardest to stay updated, but no promises.
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