So now that October and November are over, and my last update was about September, I figured I should tell the world how much fun college is :p
Starting out with October. Oh good old October. Honestly, nothing too extremely exciting happened. I went home for the weekend of the 6th because Annekke's birthday was on the 4th and her parents were coming to get her so I tagged along. Went and saw Hamlet on the 8th. It was actually really good. I'm not really one for Shakespeare, but I quite enjoyed this one. Especially since they used the TRON soundtrack as the opening music. :) I did a photo shoot with the Stott family on the 13th. It went really well. The pictures turned out good, as you can tell from the preview picture :) The little blonde boy in the middle is the cutest kid in the entire universe! Such a cutie.
I went home for fall break from the 20th to the 23rd. It was a very welcome break from school. And sometimes you just need free laundry :p
Halloween was a complete bore. I went to an Institute dance on the 26th but it was kind of boring. But at least I looked freaking gorgeous!! I went to a Catholic thrift store just off Main Street and bought the dress for $4. Yup, pretty cheap :) Annekke did my hair for the night. Took around 30 bobby pins to hold it up, but it was sooooo pretty :)I wish I would of gone to the Scream. Next year......
Not many people dress up for Halloween in college apparently. I dressed all up in my 80's attire, and Annekke was apparently Demi Lavato, but she looked normal so no one could tell. But hey, it was an excuse to let my inner self free :p SUU had a fantastic Halloween dinner though. It was "clue" themed and delicious! I loved it. But after dinner, I sat at home by myself. Most boring Halloween ever recorded in my life.
And now on to the slightly more exciting November :)
I had a date with Jonah on the 6th. We were going to go bowling, but when we got there we discovered it was league night until 9, so we changed our plans. In the end, we ended up going to see Wreck-it-Ralph. Such a good movie! I say everyone should go see it! :) I had a super fun time :) Me, Annekke, Stephen, and Lia went home the weekend of the 10th for Joey Carringella's mission farewell. He is in New York, New York. Super fun. He had a party at Classic Skating on the Saturday, so we all went. I saw a bunch of friends that I hadn't seen in forever. It was nice. Joey's farewell talk was absolutely fantastic. I felt the Spirit the whole time.
Then the next week I got all registered for spring semester. Stressful stuff. I'll be taking 17.5 credits. 9 of them are for art. I am supposed to take at least 9 credits of art each semester because I am an art major. So that should be at least kind of fun.
I went to the SUU Ballroom Company's concert both the 16th and the 17th. With one ticket. :p I'm never telling how. Bahahahaha. The concert was really really good. Stephen ( in the picture ), Lia, Jordan, Aaron and Matt were all in it, so I went with Corlissa and Annekke to support them :)
Thanksgiving break was kind of boring, but super warm. My family drove down and picked me up and continued on the way to Arizona to spend the week at my grandparents' house. It was such nice weather considering the fact that it snowed a couple days before.
( but hasn't since ). I saw Breaking Dawn part 2 with my cousin Courtney. I'm not super in to the Twilight series as much as I used to be, but this movie was amazing. I loved it.
And that concludes those two months. I'll save the most recent update until next week when more exciting things happen :)
Starting out with October. Oh good old October. Honestly, nothing too extremely exciting happened. I went home for the weekend of the 6th because Annekke's birthday was on the 4th and her parents were coming to get her so I tagged along. Went and saw Hamlet on the 8th. It was actually really good. I'm not really one for Shakespeare, but I quite enjoyed this one. Especially since they used the TRON soundtrack as the opening music. :) I did a photo shoot with the Stott family on the 13th. It went really well. The pictures turned out good, as you can tell from the preview picture :) The little blonde boy in the middle is the cutest kid in the entire universe! Such a cutie.

Halloween was a complete bore. I went to an Institute dance on the 26th but it was kind of boring. But at least I looked freaking gorgeous!! I went to a Catholic thrift store just off Main Street and bought the dress for $4. Yup, pretty cheap :) Annekke did my hair for the night. Took around 30 bobby pins to hold it up, but it was sooooo pretty :)I wish I would of gone to the Scream. Next year......
Not many people dress up for Halloween in college apparently. I dressed all up in my 80's attire, and Annekke was apparently Demi Lavato, but she looked normal so no one could tell. But hey, it was an excuse to let my inner self free :p SUU had a fantastic Halloween dinner though. It was "clue" themed and delicious! I loved it. But after dinner, I sat at home by myself. Most boring Halloween ever recorded in my life.
And now on to the slightly more exciting November :)
I had a date with Jonah on the 6th. We were going to go bowling, but when we got there we discovered it was league night until 9, so we changed our plans. In the end, we ended up going to see Wreck-it-Ralph. Such a good movie! I say everyone should go see it! :) I had a super fun time :) Me, Annekke, Stephen, and Lia went home the weekend of the 10th for Joey Carringella's mission farewell. He is in New York, New York. Super fun. He had a party at Classic Skating on the Saturday, so we all went. I saw a bunch of friends that I hadn't seen in forever. It was nice. Joey's farewell talk was absolutely fantastic. I felt the Spirit the whole time.
Then the next week I got all registered for spring semester. Stressful stuff. I'll be taking 17.5 credits. 9 of them are for art. I am supposed to take at least 9 credits of art each semester because I am an art major. So that should be at least kind of fun.
I went to the SUU Ballroom Company's concert both the 16th and the 17th. With one ticket. :p I'm never telling how. Bahahahaha. The concert was really really good. Stephen ( in the picture ), Lia, Jordan, Aaron and Matt were all in it, so I went with Corlissa and Annekke to support them :)
Thanksgiving break was kind of boring, but super warm. My family drove down and picked me up and continued on the way to Arizona to spend the week at my grandparents' house. It was such nice weather considering the fact that it snowed a couple days before.
( but hasn't since ). I saw Breaking Dawn part 2 with my cousin Courtney. I'm not super in to the Twilight series as much as I used to be, but this movie was amazing. I loved it.
And that concludes those two months. I'll save the most recent update until next week when more exciting things happen :)
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