Well, it has been quite awhile since i last posted anything on here..... I've been slacking. :P But fear not, it helps to have a roommate who also blogs. She kinda reminds me that i need to be better in this area. :)
Continuing from where I left off last time, which was I had just moved in to the lovely dorms down here at SUU. Which was wayyy back in August. Well actually, my last post was September 7th, but who is counting? Anywhoo, back to the lovely month of September. The first "real" month of school. I honestly can't remember what even happened the last week of August after I moved down here, but I'm sure it was interesting. :p Oh, I forgot to mention my lovely roommates. There are four of us in room 2302, and it can get pretty, well, interesting at times. There's Ashley from Vegas, Brittney from Riverton, and Annekke from good ol' PG. And of course there's me :)
Well, the first event that I am going to be telling about is the paint dance they had as part of "welcome week" for freshmen. It was...... interesting. Definitely not a dance that I was used to. It was fun, but more a mosh pit with paint being sprayed in your face. But it was alright. We all got creative with white t shirts :) Which then got covered in paint, that is still on the shirts, even after washing them. :p
Then we have the Cedar City Rodeo that Annekke, Ashley, and I went to on the 7th. Oh it was quite fantastic :) All them cowboys and such ;) It was so much fun! I can't believe I was missing out on so much fun stuff. And there was this guy who had six of the most beautiful black Percheron horses I have ever seen. He had them hooked up as if they were pulling a station wagon, and he was on the back two riding them. Standing up. Yeah, pretty epic. I think they called it 'Roman Riding' or something like that. Either way, it was amazing :)
On to the next item of business. I broke up with Chris the 13th. It was hard for me, but I had a great best friend/roommate to help me through it :)
Ummmmmm, Then we move on to the first home game of the football season :) We played the New Mexico Highlands, and won :) Super fun stuff. We got all decked out in all the red we could find :) Don't we look absolutely lovely? :) I thought high school football fans were spirited, but whoa was I wrong. The level of loudness and school spirit at college games is unbelievable, but awesome :) And dear Stephen. Oh that child. He is hilarious. :) Annekke and I like to torture him sometimes :P But lovingly of course.

Next comes the day Annekke and I decided to bleach sections of our hair an oh so lovely blonde. It was interesting. I first bleached only a small strip of hair, and Annekke did the 'underlayer' of hers. Then I decided that I loved how that turned out, so I decided to do mine like that too :) And I loved how it turned out. Annekke ended up dying her whole head back to her natural color and got rid of the blonde, but I kept mine :P I LOVE it!
And now we move on to the Forever Red Celebration for Homecoming week. A Rocket to The Moon concert and True T-Bird night. Oh my goodness, that was an amazing concert! A Rocket to The Moon is one of my most favoritest bands ever :) And ohhh, the bass guitarist is such a beautiful man. :) I got some amazing shots of the band. Oh it was amazing :) And then at midnight we went and did True T-Bird night. Most people who went to college know what 'True nights' are. Unless you went to BYU. :P Anyways, Annekke, Ashley, and I, all went ( Brittney didn't go because she is engaged ), and all three of us are True T-Birds. ;) I am actually a True T- Bird x 3. Yes. Three boys kissed me. And I knew all three of them. Two of them from high school. I won't name them for their sakes :p But it was a pretty good night.
And the homecoming game. Oh that game. We played Montana State and got creamed. And our refs suck at their job. I don't even know anything about football, and I was calling more stuff that they should of. :P It was a super boring game too. Nothing really happened until third quarter. We did have super awesome homecoming shirts though. They said SUUper Heroes on the front. Pretty awesome :)
Conner and Shay also came down to visit for the weekend :) Oh how we missed them. And we also got our first taste of a college fraternity party. Not exactly what I was expecting. It was supposed to be a toga party, but Ashley (she is in Delta Omega Psi) told us to dress nice. She put Annekke, Shay and I in her dresses and it was super awkward. Annekke's dress was easily made modest, Shay's and mine weren't. Shay's was very low cut, and mine was a low cut halter. And Ashley wouldn't let us change. It didn't help that I was sunburned from the homecoming game either. Anyways, we went and walked around the Sigma Chi house for a while and seeing that there was nothing uplifting about it decided to leave. There was hooka, and the atmosphere was just plain uncomfortable. So Annekke, Conner, Shay and I left. It was quite an experience. And when we got back, we went over to Stephen's dorm and hung out there for a while. And we ended up sleeping there. Me, Conner, Shay, Annekke, Matt, Coby, and then Stephen and all 5 of his roommates. Annekke was on the floor, as were Conner and Shay. I was on the longest couch with Coby. and Matt was on the futon. Coby kind of fell asleep on my lap.... haha. I'll explain. So it was around 2:30 in the morning and everyone else was asleep but us. So we were going to sleep on opposite ends of the couch, and then ended up with my head on one end, and his feet on the other. He was laying on my stomach, while I was playing with his hair ( he loves when people do that ) and we fell asleep like that. And apparently whenever his head would move, my fingers would automatically start to play with his hair again..... I have strange fingers apparently. Then at about 6 he moved to the smaller couch. And that is the story of that weekend.

Oh, and we bought Betta fishes :) Both Annekke and my fish are red, but it's ok :) She named hers Stewart, and mine is named Vladimir. ( or Vlad for short ). And our floor had a 'mock-tail' party. It was semi fun. The drinks were alright. :P definitely something different.
Honestly, I'm just too tired to get into October, so I'll have to do that at the end of the month. In like four days :P
Continuing from where I left off last time, which was I had just moved in to the lovely dorms down here at SUU. Which was wayyy back in August. Well actually, my last post was September 7th, but who is counting? Anywhoo, back to the lovely month of September. The first "real" month of school. I honestly can't remember what even happened the last week of August after I moved down here, but I'm sure it was interesting. :p Oh, I forgot to mention my lovely roommates. There are four of us in room 2302, and it can get pretty, well, interesting at times. There's Ashley from Vegas, Brittney from Riverton, and Annekke from good ol' PG. And of course there's me :)
Then we have the Cedar City Rodeo that Annekke, Ashley, and I went to on the 7th. Oh it was quite fantastic :) All them cowboys and such ;) It was so much fun! I can't believe I was missing out on so much fun stuff. And there was this guy who had six of the most beautiful black Percheron horses I have ever seen. He had them hooked up as if they were pulling a station wagon, and he was on the back two riding them. Standing up. Yeah, pretty epic. I think they called it 'Roman Riding' or something like that. Either way, it was amazing :)
On to the next item of business. I broke up with Chris the 13th. It was hard for me, but I had a great best friend/roommate to help me through it :)

And now we move on to the Forever Red Celebration for Homecoming week. A Rocket to The Moon concert and True T-Bird night. Oh my goodness, that was an amazing concert! A Rocket to The Moon is one of my most favoritest bands ever :) And ohhh, the bass guitarist is such a beautiful man. :) I got some amazing shots of the band. Oh it was amazing :) And then at midnight we went and did True T-Bird night. Most people who went to college know what 'True nights' are. Unless you went to BYU. :P Anyways, Annekke, Ashley, and I, all went ( Brittney didn't go because she is engaged ), and all three of us are True T-Birds. ;) I am actually a True T- Bird x 3. Yes. Three boys kissed me. And I knew all three of them. Two of them from high school. I won't name them for their sakes :p But it was a pretty good night.
And the homecoming game. Oh that game. We played Montana State and got creamed. And our refs suck at their job. I don't even know anything about football, and I was calling more stuff that they should of. :P It was a super boring game too. Nothing really happened until third quarter. We did have super awesome homecoming shirts though. They said SUUper Heroes on the front. Pretty awesome :)
Conner and Shay also came down to visit for the weekend :) Oh how we missed them. And we also got our first taste of a college fraternity party. Not exactly what I was expecting. It was supposed to be a toga party, but Ashley (she is in Delta Omega Psi) told us to dress nice. She put Annekke, Shay and I in her dresses and it was super awkward. Annekke's dress was easily made modest, Shay's and mine weren't. Shay's was very low cut, and mine was a low cut halter. And Ashley wouldn't let us change. It didn't help that I was sunburned from the homecoming game either. Anyways, we went and walked around the Sigma Chi house for a while and seeing that there was nothing uplifting about it decided to leave. There was hooka, and the atmosphere was just plain uncomfortable. So Annekke, Conner, Shay and I left. It was quite an experience. And when we got back, we went over to Stephen's dorm and hung out there for a while. And we ended up sleeping there. Me, Conner, Shay, Annekke, Matt, Coby, and then Stephen and all 5 of his roommates. Annekke was on the floor, as were Conner and Shay. I was on the longest couch with Coby. and Matt was on the futon. Coby kind of fell asleep on my lap.... haha. I'll explain. So it was around 2:30 in the morning and everyone else was asleep but us. So we were going to sleep on opposite ends of the couch, and then ended up with my head on one end, and his feet on the other. He was laying on my stomach, while I was playing with his hair ( he loves when people do that ) and we fell asleep like that. And apparently whenever his head would move, my fingers would automatically start to play with his hair again..... I have strange fingers apparently. Then at about 6 he moved to the smaller couch. And that is the story of that weekend.

Honestly, I'm just too tired to get into October, so I'll have to do that at the end of the month. In like four days :P
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