Monday, January 23, 2012

it's beginning to feel a lot like... christmas in january?

 I know that it's been like a month since Christmas, but it just started feeling like it. Yeah, it's just beginning to snow and feel like it should of last month. Oh well, at least it's snowing now and not in June. Soo Christmas was pretty awesome this year. It's my last Christmas as a non college student... O.o kind of scary to think about. And if you're wondering what in the heck those red things are in the corner, they are pomegranate seeds, one of the many traditional stocking stuffers in my family. Perhaps a non traditional thing would be the gingerbread star ornament that I made for the tree. As you can see, it is a Hanukkah star. I felt like being rebellious, so I was. Easy as that. I guess you could say that I don't like to conform. Whatever. It was fun :) And now to move onto the gifts :) I got basically awesomeness!
I got a camera, and Santa gave the family a Wii with Just Dance, Mario Kart,Wii Sports and the New Super Mario Bros. How awesome :)

Even with the lack of snow, I rather enjoyed Christmas this year :) 

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