Monday, January 23, 2012


So, as you can see I have been accepted to SUU!! Yeah Man!! Soo excited to go down there for school! Basically one of the best things that has happened this year :]

a sad day in american fork history

 Parker's Drive In, where I got my first job back in September closed on December 30, 2011. It was pretty much a bummer. I had lots of fun there, and made some awesome friends that I'll never forget :) My boss Tammy gave all the employees hoodies, and they are the warmest ever! Oh you're probably looking at the picture of the wood with the names on it and wondering what it is all about. Well it's the bottom of the counter, It's tradition for all the employees to sign it when they get hired. So I did, and now I'm kind of famous in a way I suppose. If you can figure out which name is mine, good for you, you won.. nothing but bragging rights ;P

it's beginning to feel a lot like... christmas in january?

 I know that it's been like a month since Christmas, but it just started feeling like it. Yeah, it's just beginning to snow and feel like it should of last month. Oh well, at least it's snowing now and not in June. Soo Christmas was pretty awesome this year. It's my last Christmas as a non college student... O.o kind of scary to think about. And if you're wondering what in the heck those red things are in the corner, they are pomegranate seeds, one of the many traditional stocking stuffers in my family. Perhaps a non traditional thing would be the gingerbread star ornament that I made for the tree. As you can see, it is a Hanukkah star. I felt like being rebellious, so I was. Easy as that. I guess you could say that I don't like to conform. Whatever. It was fun :) And now to move onto the gifts :) I got basically awesomeness!
I got a camera, and Santa gave the family a Wii with Just Dance, Mario Kart,Wii Sports and the New Super Mario Bros. How awesome :)

Even with the lack of snow, I rather enjoyed Christmas this year :) 

the wonderfuly confusingly amazing things we call high school dances

So just thought I'd clarify that this is about... PREFERENCE!! Yep! And that also happened to be my very first formal dance... EVER. And it was a BLAST! I loved it, and I had a great date! So the picture on the top left is how I asked my date :) He was in my school's performance of Seussical the Musical, and I had another friend, who was also in the play, hang it up backstage so that it could be seen :) Pretty genius if I do say so myself. And the big blue "yes" is obviously my answer :) He made me a chocolate cake with his mom's awesome sparkly blue icing. I swear, he knows me wayyy to well ;) It was a really really really really good cake. I took it with me to lunch and it was gone in like five minutes. Haha my whole table helped me eat it. YUMMY!! So now on to the actual date and such. We had planned to go ice skating at Seven Peaks, but when we got there the line was wayyy too long, so we went to Nickle City in Orem. Ohhh baby, that was probably the most fun I've ever had at an arcade. Stephen and I spent most of our time getting tickets from this weird game, but hey, we got tons of tickets from it. They also had a giant touch screen t.v. with Fruit Ninja. I felt like a little kid on Christmas I was having so much fun!!

So as for dinner and getting ready and the dance part, it was awesome! My shoes were basically kind of a bad idea, seeing as I was probably a good three inches taller than my date in them, but hey, they were cute, and I got them on sale for nine bucks. I got my dress for $8. I love finding cute cheap stuff :) And my amazing friend Julie made my cute little corsage for me :) Mine is the one connected to the arm in the bottom left corner withe the white roses. :) I absolutely loved it! We went to my friend Alli's for dinner. There was chicken cordon bleu cooked by her dad, soup, rolls, brownies ( made by me :] ), and Martinelli's. It was pretty darn good! Then we went to the dance, and afterwords me, Kara, Laurel, and Amelia plus our dates were needed to stay after and help clean up because some of the men in our group were on drama council. We didn't leave the school until about 12:45 in the morning. Then we went to Annekke's house for a hot chocolate bar. Yeah, I didn't get home until around 2. But it was totally worth it!

 Oh, and we decided, well more Alli did, that it would be funny to get mistletoe and hang it above her door. So that explains the picture on the top right .... Yeah haha. Then the pic on the right is of (top the group, and the one below is me and my date :)