Thursday, October 6, 2011

happy mad hatter day!!

This lovely picture was taken by yours truly of a flowering bush plant thingy in my front  yard. I quite like how it turned out :)

Well it's Thursday!!! The week is almost over :) HOORAY! Today is also National Mad Hatter Day... I don't really know what that means, or why it's a holiday, but it is. And I would also like to say Happy Birthday to all my friends whose birthday is/was this week, or at least relatively close:
Jill, Alexa, Shantelle, and Evan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADIES and EVAN!!

OH MY GOSH!!! It can NOT snow yet!! It's still OCTOBER for heaven's sake! I never gave it permission to snow today, I don't know why it did. I'm just not ready for the snow to come yet, we still have to have Halloween and Thanksgiving before it can snow. But oh well, what can I do about it? NOTHING, just complain about how it's way too early for this weather, and pull out my hoodie (which I wore to school today, cuz I woke up FREEZING!) . However, I do like the rain, but I prefer the warm summer rain to the cold winter one. But whatever. :P
And since it's Thursday, that means I had an ACT prep class on the math portion again today (and got out like 30 minutes early), I don't work today, and don't need to work till Saturday night. This week has been pretty good so far. Hopefully Friday and Saturday will be good as well. :)

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