I really need to be better at keeping this updated :p Sometimes it's just hard to remember, but I am going to try my best to be better. The thought occurred to me while I was watching Julie and Julia about a week ago, does anyone actually read my blog? Or am I just posting things to the internet just because? I hope people read this. I know it's been kind of a journal for me, but I am going to start changing things up. I am going to try my very best to post something everyday. Maybe something interesting I learned, or something funny I heard/saw. I'm still going to talk a little about my life and my adventures as a poor college kid and other important or interesting things that happen, but this is no longer going to be an online journal, I have a very nice one that is longing to be written in. Since the name of my blog is A Photo A Day, I will post a photo of the day everyday (or everyday I make a post) until I run out of photos. (If that point ever occurs, I will take some more.) Every Wednesday will be the day I post a quote. It may be inspirational, it may be funny, but it will be posted. I may or may not assign other things to the other days of the week, stay tuned. But, there are going to be some changes around here :)

We have been doing a pinhole photography project in my intermediate photography class. It blows my mind how you can make a working camera out of almost anything. I made mine out of a venti sized Starbucks cup. I've gotten some fantastic photos so far. I had to duck tape the crap out of the outside and spray paint the inside with black paint (around 4 layers), but it works really well. I am very proud of my little coffee cup camera :)

So, interesting thing saw on the internet somewhere. I saw that you could make a grilled cheese sandwich in a toaster set on it's side. Of course I had to try it. And it just so happened that when I came back to school after Christmas break, my dad bought me a toaster. Perfect :) My roommate and I decided to give it a try. It worked rather well in my opinion. Mine got a little burnt, but no biggie. I think I might try making an open faced sandwich next time and use Velveeta instead :) I think the reason mine burned was that my bread was thicker and shoving 2 slices in a slot made for one was a bit much for my little toaster.